Monday, July 27, 2009

The Name Game

Hailemicael and Minalush... how would YOU pronounce these names?

We have been working on pronunciations for the last two months and finally think we've got it. A friend of a friend who has lived in Addis for several years emailed me with her take on the pronunciations. She seemed pretty confident about it too. So these are the names of our kiddos...

Minalush... say min-ah-loosh

Hailemicael... say highly-mick-eye-el but he is probably just called Highly (like the Ethiopian Olympic Gold Metal Distance Runner Haile Gebrselassie or like the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974, Haile Selassie.)

So practice up because you might me meeting them in 3 weeks!


Tracy said...

beautiful children!!! We too are an AW famiy. I wanted to see if you would mind taking a picture of our son while you are there. I would love to see him again. We are the Cornett family.
Plz email me at

Kate said...

Awesome! Guess what? We got our RA - in 46 miraculous days! We are leaving within 4 weeks. Congrats to you, congrats to us - wow, we are blessed families!